
All members of staff and students are trained on aspects of Fire Safety

At PPSCIS, All members of staff and students are trained on aspects of Fire Safety, Disaster Management and Crisis Control. This helps them become more aware and equipped with the necessary information to identify and prevent hazards and execute evacuation strategies during emergencies. We have exit floor plans and in place fire extinguishers to help manage the situation in case of emergency.

The security services of PPSCIS comprise two categories: physical manning of the campus, and virtual surveillance of the campus. The physical manning services of the campus is outsourced to a third-party security services company to provide manpower for guarding services of the campus 24/7, 365 days of the year. There are 30 guards, 2 supervisors and 1 Security Officer deployed and assigned duties on various locations across the campus for guarding, patrolling, monitoring and protecting the safety and security of the students, staff and property of the campus. The security personnel are well-trained and equipped to handle any emergency and threats to the school and personnel on campus.

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